Scilab Program to find Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Scilab has inbuilt function named
This program finds eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 3 matrices. The program output is also shown below. Here is the scilab program on how to find eigenvalues and eigen vectors in scilab.
to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix. It takes exactly one argument which is a matrix.
To find eigenvalues of matrix A we need to execute spec(A)
command. spec()
command is used to find eigenvalues of a matrix A in scilab.This program finds eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 3 matrices. The program output is also shown below. Here is the scilab program on how to find eigenvalues and eigen vectors in scilab.
Scilab code to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
/* Aim: Scilab program to find eigenvalues and eigenfunctions */
disp(spec(X),"The Eigen-values of matrix X are:");
disp(c,"The Eigen-vectors of matrix X is:");
disp(spec(Y),"The Eigen-values of matrix Y are:");
disp(e,"The Eigen-vectors of matrix Y is:");
disp(spec(Z),"The Eigen-values of matrix Z are:");
disp(g,"The Eigen-vectors of matrix Z is:");
The Eigen-values of matrix X are:
- 1.0636761
The Eigen-vectors of matrix X is:
- 0.8842186 - 0.7926444 0.3991703
- 0.3600242 - 0.2505817 - 0.8577500
- 0.2975567 0.5558091 0.3239259
The Eigen-values of matrix Y are:
- 3.9621223 - 0.7485297i
6.6859632 + 0.7572081i
3.2761591 - 0.0086784i
The Eigen-vectors of matrix Y is:
- 0.2457663 - 0.5924552i 0.2032226 + 0.4812499i - 0.4171226 - 0.4684274i
- 0.2821217 + 0.0656327i 0.3009483 - 0.0066897i 0.7395716
0.7104192 0.7977998 - 0.1320940 + 0.2053522i
The Eigen-values of matrix Z are:
- 1.1757477 - 1.481D-16i
3.378386 - 2.799D-16i
6.7973617 - 2.382D-16i
The Eigen-vectors of matrix Z is:
1.227D-17 + 0.4000085i 6.460D-17 - 0.4949540i - 2.791D-17 + 0.0279109i
0.7638664 0.8521455 0.6367042 - 1.719D-16i
- 0.5064596 + 1.404D-17i 0.1699078 + 9.765D-17i 0.7706028