Learn Switch Statement In C
switch(n) { case 1: //statement(s) to be executed if n=1; break; case 2: //statement(s) to be executed if n=2; break; default: statement(s); }
Explanation of Syntax:
Switch,case,break,default are keywords. If value of n is 1 i.e n=1 then statements in case 1 are executed. Further cases are not executed as we used break keyword to prevent it from executing further cases.If value of n does not matches any case then default is executed.
What is the use of switch statement?
According to definition on Wikipedia, in computer programming languages, a switch statement is a type of selection control mechanism used to allow the value of a variable or expression to change the control flow of program execution via a multiway branch.Switch statement is used in programs whre you have to use menu i.e. in menu driven programs.
#include<stdio.h> void main() { int digit; printf("\n Enter any digit:- ") scanf("%d",&digit); switch(digit) { case 1: //If digit=1 then this case is executed printf("One"); case 2: //If digit=2 then this case is executed printf("Two"); case 3: //If digit=3 then this case is executed printf("Three"); case 4: //If digit=4 then this case is executed printf("Four"); case 5: //If digit=5 then this case is executed printf("Five"); case 6: //If digit=6 then this case is executed printf("Six"); case 7: //If digit=7 then this case is executed printf("Seven"); case 8: //If digit=8 then this case is executed printf("Eight"); case 9: //If digit=9 then this case is executed printf("Nine"); case 0: //If digit=0 then this case is executed printf("Zero"); default: //If you didn't entered a digit then this case is executed printf("\n You have not entered a single digit. \n"); } }
Explanation of Example:
Above program is simple program which prints or displays the given digit in word. If you entered a digit (say) 4, case 4 is executed in which we are printing the 'Four'. Similarly other cases get executed. If it is not a digit then default case is executed and corresponding message is printed.Programs Based On Switch Statement:
- C program to perform different operation on two points
- C program to print number in word
- C program to perform arithmetic operations on two numbers
- C program to perform different operations on two numbers
- C program to accept radius from user and perform different operations on it